Wednesday, September 7, 2016

When Cell Communication Goes Wrong

Cells are constantly sending signals throughout our bodies; However, they are not always perfect and occasionally something will go wrong. Lets hope it does not happen too frequently. A cells signal might not reach its target or even respond. When we eat, the food breaks down into sugars and the cells then tell your liver to save the broken down food that it will store it as muscle and fat cells, but when the sugar is not stored within the liver. It can lead to a disease known as Type 1 Diabetes because the Insulin cell signals are lost, not moving the sugars and therefore, Diabetes leads to kidney failure. Nerve cells that transmit signals could be damaged and in return never able to stimulate anything. When one signal transmitter breaks down, it becomes a chain reaction and leads to other transmitters broken. What we obtain from this is impaired vision, uncontrolled movements, neck pain, difficulty in balance, etc. The worst case scenario is when cells multiply despite the broken signalers and produces cancer cells. 

Summarizing the fight or flight response article

In the human body, there are proteins that transfer signals throughout the body. Sometimes you feel the effects of them but dont realize what is actually happening. For example, when you get nervous, your body hair begins to stand up and you might even begin to sweat. All the signals that get transmitted and triggered throughout your body have different shapes, and as we learned before, different shapes mean different functions.They all do different things, transferring signals all over the body until it reaches its target. The muscle that holds your body hair and sweat glans tense up and it will pull your hair making it stand up and pushing the water out. When the signal transfers through the blood stream to the Bronchial, your lungs will expand instead of tense up in order for it you to breathe more. The contraction causes relaxation. Cells are one the most important things in our body, with cells, our bodies are allowed to function properly